Hoy en mi vida!

For those of you who are not subscribed to my newsletter, this is what you missed.

It’s been a while since I last talked to you. After all the obstacles that have come in my path, I have not given up. My series of short stories are coming along very well, and I am sticking to it. Also, have a novel that I am working on, should be completed with all books by the end of the year.  Will not publish any of them right away. My goal is to publish with a traditional publisher,  so this may take a while. If it doesn’t happen within six months after books are completed, I will go the self-publishing route.

I would like to have at least one book published professionally.

Writing and having a creative mind is lots of work, effort, time and patience. I have set myself a daily writing goal of 1600 words if possible but no less than 500 words.

It’s either getting up an hour early before work to write or soon as I arrive home from work. Trust me 3:30 A.M. is best, my brain is fresh and ready to go. Sometimes, I may miss a day of writing, so I make it up the next time. But, must stick with it, to meet my goals.

Movies, Television and Reading Etc.

So, as you all know, I am a big movie and T.V. buff.
GAME OF THRONES is back, Winter is Here, very excited about this, it has been a long wait. Ghost is out of Jail, but Charlie is dead, head bashed the F**K in with a dumbell!  R.I.P.Charlie Murphy.

For all you Netflix fans, Chewing Gum(this is so funny stupid), Bloodline, Wentworth (awww that big bitch the Governor has nine lives) , Friends From College to name a few are outstanding features.
Amazon Prime still has me hooked almost more than Netflix. If you have Prime, check out these shows (Sneaky Pete, Mad Dog, Trapped, Transparent). You will get hooked.
HBO take a watch at Ballers, Big Little Lies (excellent novel turned series by author Liane Moriarty), Insecure featuring Issa Rae (Hilarious)

Have not been to the big screen much since I have the Firestick. Last week went to see Wonder Woman, wasn’t impressed, it was fair. My take on it was that it did not have enough action and this new Wonder Woman was not sexy enough in the outfit, nothing like Linda Carter.

Just my Siskel and Ebert opinion.  

Okay, moving on, enough about movies and TV because I have just too many to list.

Reached my book reading goal for this year early, I lowered the bar to a goal of 15 books unlike last year 50, and I read 51.
Now, I can just take my time and read when time allows around my schedule. Reading short stories, fantasy, sci-fi, YA and fiction novels.
Just reading it all, variety is good. It helps me as an author to brush up on my writing and creative skills.

Have not vacationed at all this year thus far and it has been difficult, just working every day and writing. Normally I would have taken one trip by now, but this August we do have a beach vacation planned. Can’t wait for that break and much-needed relaxation and fun. Feel that Ocean breeze, the sand between my toes and that awful hot sun burning down on my skin. It’s all worth it!

I forgot to mention that I had a new grand baby her name is Ella. Isn’t she lovely!  And she thick.

Also, we have my grand-dog HoneyBun(HB). She THOT trainging. Lol


Food for thought, something to think about:

Remember no one is perfect, not even those higher up. Choose your idols wisely or better yet, idolize no one. Those at the top can quickly fall back down to the bottom. Worship no man, woman or child, but GOD.

Sometimes you may cross paths with another and think this person is smart, intelligent and got their shit together and this may be true, and on the other side, can just be an outward appearance.  Just because someone may have more than you, don’t ever make them better that you.

All of us, everyone has flaws, faults, and weakness, so let no one make you feel that they are superior to you. Build your own self-esteem and motivation. Sure, there may be certain things you can learn from another, but don’t let it or that person be something or someone you cling to for growth. Be you, Do you. You have an individual quality within you that make you who you are, that makes you unique.

Until next time, take care.




I have finally completed my grandkids middle-grade book. The cover and interior look great. I am putting a fresh face on my first book Slightly Bruised and a Little Broken. I am currently still writing my short stories. Trying to sit down and write as much as possible, so that I can achieve better writing skills. Practice, practice, practice.


The goal this year is to read 15 books. Last year was 50, and I achieved that goal by reading 51 books. This year, I need to do more writing.

Reading Book 2 of Fritz Fombie and the Frightful Feats of Courage, by T .E. Antonino middle-grade level but cute for all.  I enjoy reading his books about this eight-year-old girl Fannie and her friends.

Read several books by Travis Simmons; he writes fantasy novels. Well told stories and he does a really great job with his writing.

I receive most of my books free from the authors in exchange for a book review. They are available on Librarything.com, and I enter giveaways on Goodreads.com. I don’t accept the books if I have no intention of reading or giving a review. Reviews are most important to authors especially those new authors such as myself; it’s one way to get our books recognized and get us known as authors.

I never know if I will like a book or not, but no matter what,  I will read any book to the end and give a review. Some books may have slow starts just as some movies but gets better as you continue. Then there are some that just don’t interest you at all and you quit reading. That’s not me.

Check out LibraryThing if you are a reader, request a copy, read it and review it. In order to leave a review on Amazon you must have an account.


This is the good part. I was gifted Amazon Prime for Christmas from someone I adore very much. I had previously purchased the Amazon Fire Stick. It’s like having the best time ever double dosed. I am happy feet dancing and soul clapping.

However, this has caused me to miss watching my regular television shows, and Netflix is now on the back burner but not forgotten. So, not as much Netflix and chilling going on here but rather much priming.

On Amazon Prime:

I watched the series Goliath with Billy Bob Thornton – a big time lawyer turned into a drunken washed up lawyer but still sharp as a whistle. Two thumbs up and five stars. One of my favorite actors.

Sneaky Pete, I won’t go into description, you just have to watch – lots of twist and turns. A must see. Two thumbs up and five stars.

Mad Dogs, excited to be getting away on vacation all expenses paid, visit a friend you haven’t seen in a long while expecting to have this awesome time. Well, think again and expect the unexpected. Every time you take one step forward, you get pushed back two more. What in the hell is happening?

Watch this movie; it has some funny, much drama and questionable friendships. Two thumbs up and five stars.

On Hulu:

Catching up on season one of Outsiders. No review yet, just on episode four and so far all I know is that its trouble in the mountains.

On T.V.

I watched the New Edition Story. Much I wasn’t aware of, things that the public never knows, that goes on behind the scenes of celebrities. This group of young men went through much heartache, pain, betrayal, trust issues, friendship, and loyalty. Finding out who was actually working for you or aginst you. Another prime example of how you treat people.  Although Bobby Brown put them through hell, in the end after all those years, they remain the best of friends. I think part of it had to do with their backgrounds, where they came from and being man enough to come and say I’m sorry. My best part was the end when they were on stage at the BET show. They were having a good time and for all the actors new and old who played the parts of new edition did an excellent job. Kudos to them. One of BET’s best shows and characters were well. Well done.

My Thursday night shows have returned, the Shonda Rhime trio. Greys Anatomy, Scandal, and HTGAWM. Have to catch up on that. Black Sails is back. Quantico is back. The Blacklist is back. Jane the Virgin is back. Tyler Perry shows are back. The Affair is back. Sleepy Hollow is back. Homeland is back, Carrie with her crazy ass. Uughhh so many shows so little time.

Haven’t been to the movie theater lately, but I do plan on seeing Hidden Figures and Fences. Who knows, may just have to watch it on Fire Stick Kodi. Why not?

Cable prices are high as F**K! this way I could lower my bill by half getting rid of some cable boxes and dropping to basic package plan. One day will remove cable completly but until then still figuring out this Fire Stick before making that final move.


Judging someone or something before you actually know facts can sometimes be mean and hurtful. I have been thingk about Karma latley. That bitch Karma the what goes around comes around KARMA. You know her, right? Bottom line we don’t need to be judging anyone when our home isn’t in order. Over the years as I have gotten older, I have realized some things about life and Karma. Karma isn’t something you want to come back on you, so, be mindful how you treat others and how you talk to them. Try to make the motives behind your intentions from the heart. Let’s build each other up instead of tearing one another down. This is not just words but something I will put into practice.  Let’s move forward, 2016 is behind us and 2017 is here.

Ain’t no stopping us now, were on the move.

Until next time, peace love and respect.




#Tune In Tuesday

Lots going on theses days. Let’s get to the updates.

Last movie I saw. 

My daughter and I went to see “Badder Santa”, was not what I expected. The first Bad Santa was hilarious but this second edition gave a few chuckles. As I have always stated some movies are just not meant to be remade or have several parts.  I give it four **** because of Thurman Murman has gotten older and has not changed a lick but still making sandwiches.

What I’ve been watching on Netflix.

Watching The Crown another King Henry and Queen Elizabeth era. No reviews on it just yet just started watching.

Watched “Paranoid,” it was pretty good another British detective mystery story. I enjoy the British movies, cannot wait for Luther to return.

The first time I have watched a Korean film. I must say that I truly, truly enjoyed watching, Descendants of the Sun. This movie is a must watch, such a complete love story. So much determination, trust, respect and honor. I fell in love with the star cast Joong-ki song, this guy here was on point and on time. Joon-ki song was such a loving, caring and protective person. The other main character Goo-seo Jin plays Joog-ki’s best friend, they are both military special forces. At first, you wouldn’t understand his actions, but it all comes together as both romances unfold. After this movie, I have decided to watch other Korean Netflix movies. The storyline was clean, no sexual content or language. I give it a 10. Must watch! It does have subtitles, so you need to be able to watch and pay attention. Very romantic.

Now, what’s going on with my writing and books?

Started back writing my short stories, had stopped for a long while now. I am a little upset and disappointed at my children’s book illustrator. He does good work, but it has been almost a month now, and his timeframe was supposed to be two weeks. I would hate to cancel this gig with him because I lose money on the fees that were paid and starting over would push my time back even further. I have several times explained this to the illustrator. My goal was to have the children’s book published by Christmas. Not happening. If I don’t hear from the illustrator by tomorrow, I will bite the bullet and cancel and go with another illustrator and pray I won’t go through the same thing.

I have been using sellers off the site Fiverr, which is a great site and the cost is reasonable, just do your research on the seller before buying. Everyone is not who they say they are. Fiverr offers a large variety of sellers and gigs that you may be seeking such as, editing, voice overs, blogging, website design to name a few.

Beta-reader or No Beta-reader????

I am leaning towards hiring a beta-reader for my next books before releasing. I need a third pair of eyes outside of my editor and myself before publishing anything else. I need to get as close as possible to perfection. That’s where a beta-reader comes in, they read your manuscript and critique it for content, grammar, character, the structure so on and so forth. But, I am back on the grind with these short stories, so let’s see what the outcome will provide. Open to any feedback you may have.  Would be greatly appreciated. If you know of anyone in any of these fields I have just mentioned above, please feel free to refer.

Reached My Goal! Yayyyy!!!!!

Not sure if you remember me mentioning that I had a goal to read fifty books this 2016 year. Well, today I finished book #50! I have read so many different genres from various authors, and it was only less than five books that I didn’t like. Most were interesting reads. I love reading. I won’t set a goal for 2017, but I will continue to read. I still have about twenty-five books to read that were received from new and seasoned authors that I promised to give reviews. Read on!

It’s Beginning To Look Like Christmas.

Keeping my list short and on the budget this year. You have to learn to be frugal about holiday shopping because money will get away from you quickly and next thing you know, finances are low, and bills have to be pushed back another month. Can’t keep up with the Joneses nor can we keep up with every new electronic device. Some things just have to wait. Learn to appreciate what you have, you will treasure it more. Don’t just give because it’s asked for but because it was well deserved.  Learning to be responsible and earning things that you receive is all a part of maturity.  This for folk that don’t always plan ahead for the holiday season. Think I went a bit of script. But you get the message. Lol.

Be safe while shopping, be aware of your surroundings and locations.






Available for purchase.







What Have I Been Up To!

2016-09-17-09-42-34What I’ve Been Up To!

by Petite Breaux 




Last movie I saw on the big screen.

My mother is in town from Kansas City Mo visiting for a while.

Last weekend we went to see the movie “The Accountant” with Ben Affleck. download-2I give it a 7, something was missing from the movie. It had action and drama but some parts seemed to drag. Overall, I would say hmm, I liked it. I liked the concept of




The Holidays are upon us.

Halloween night tried to decorate outside of the home a little, getting in the spirit of it all. Last minute decision to put makeup on my face and dress all in black while I sit outside with a pumpkin full of candy as I wait for my little trick or treaters.

Makeup didn’t turn out as expected, maybe next year I will try again.

What I am watching on Netflix.

I started watching a Netflix show “Z NATION” the apocalypse, it’s corny but I can’t stop watching.

Citizen Z has alerted everyone to a bounty for safely getting The Murphy to California, which he was lying just so that Murphy would no be killed, but this has caused all sorts of chaos. Everyone is now out to kill one another for this so-called bounty money.

Everything is zombies and walking dead. The guy called DJ Qualls (Citizen Z), he has played in mv5bnzg0nte4njmwn15bml5banbnxkftztgwoty3ntc2nje-_v1-_sx93_sy140_several other movies, but I remember him from Hustle and Flow. Did he get his cheeks lifted or Botox or something? I read about him being a cancer survivor, pray he continues to stay in good health and continues with his acting career. He is funny.


Update on Children’s book.

Children’s book as I have stated before has been completed, but there is one issue of finding someone to do illustrations. I just want stencil illustrations in black and white, one illustration per chapter. Once I get this taken care of, I can send the manuscript for publishing through Createspace. Hopefully, this task can be completed within the next three weeks.

What I’m writing.

Absolutely nothing! I need to be writing my next short stories.

I am getting back into my schedule of writing, I had taken a break and it’s hard getting back in the saddle. Between work, exercise, Rosetta Stone and all other minor things that come up, it’s hard to sit down and write. No more excuses, if I plan to get these stories completed, I must write even if it’s only fifteen minutes per day.

Will be updating you again soon, until then, keep smiling.

Oh! One more thing before I go.

2016-11-23-06-00-03No matter where you are, I pray that you have a safe and loving holiday. Safe travels to all,  arrive unharmed to your destination. Enjoy your time spent with family and friends. Love, peace, respect and happiness.



Before you go:

Books available for purchase.









Movies and TV Shows

October 02, 2016

Magnificent Seven!!!!

Good movie, Denzel did a great job as a cowboy. Chris Platte funny as usual, I like him. Ethan Hawke (Goodnight Robicheaux) love that name. I am sure we will hear that someone has named their child this name.download

Now, I need to go back and watch the original Magnificent Seven to refresh my memory. Go see it, won’t disappoint.

Other Television series that I enjoy on the regular to name a few: Ray Donovan, Shameless, Game Of Thrones, Greys Anatomy, How To Get Away With Murder, Scandal, Blacklist, Devious Maids, Pretty Little Liars, The Affair.

Those that are no longer showing that I loved to watch: Sons Of Anarchy, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire etc…

Netflix and Chilling

August 2016

Just a day  relaxing on the couch binge watching Netflix movies. I was all into the movie Stranger Things. stranger-things





My favorite character is :dustin-gaten-matarazzo


Dusten Gaten-Matarazzo, he seemed to be the only one that made sense most of the time. Love his lisp tongue and chubby cheeks.

Eleven, her character name, come to find out she is a Nicki Minaj fan. The cast of Stranger Things was on Jimmy Fallon show and Millie Bobbie Brown (Eleven) millie-bobby-brownrapped one of Nicki’s songs to the “T ” almost better than Nicki herself.



Also, watched on Netflix, “The Get Down,” a story about rapping and Grandmaster Flash back  in the day. My favorite scene was when Cadillac was on the dance floor, he thought he was the ish! Those were the times.

As you can see, I am a movie buff. I like the series “The Strain,” it’s uugghh, gross and nasty but good. the-strain





Oh, got up off the couch and went to see the movie “Don’t Breathe,” mann oh mann talking about no mercy. It was a movie about a blind man who lived on a deserted street all alone, him and his dog.

These young kids thought they could break into his home and rob him of his millions he had received in insurance money from the death  of his daughter.

They were mistaken and things went wrong, not as easy as they thought it would be. Didn’t like the ending but understood it. dont-breathe