What Have I Been Up To!

2016-09-17-09-42-34What I’ve Been Up To!

by Petite Breaux 




Last movie I saw on the big screen.

My mother is in town from Kansas City Mo visiting for a while.

Last weekend we went to see the movie “The Accountant” with Ben Affleck. download-2I give it a 7, something was missing from the movie. It had action and drama but some parts seemed to drag. Overall, I would say hmm, I liked it. I liked the concept of




The Holidays are upon us.

Halloween night tried to decorate outside of the home a little, getting in the spirit of it all. Last minute decision to put makeup on my face and dress all in black while I sit outside with a pumpkin full of candy as I wait for my little trick or treaters.

Makeup didn’t turn out as expected, maybe next year I will try again.

What I am watching on Netflix.

I started watching a Netflix show “Z NATION” the apocalypse, it’s corny but I can’t stop watching.

Citizen Z has alerted everyone to a bounty for safely getting The Murphy to California, which he was lying just so that Murphy would no be killed, but this has caused all sorts of chaos. Everyone is now out to kill one another for this so-called bounty money.

Everything is zombies and walking dead. The guy called DJ Qualls (Citizen Z), he has played in mv5bnzg0nte4njmwn15bml5banbnxkftztgwoty3ntc2nje-_v1-_sx93_sy140_several other movies, but I remember him from Hustle and Flow. Did he get his cheeks lifted or Botox or something? I read about him being a cancer survivor, pray he continues to stay in good health and continues with his acting career. He is funny.


Update on Children’s book.

Children’s book as I have stated before has been completed, but there is one issue of finding someone to do illustrations. I just want stencil illustrations in black and white, one illustration per chapter. Once I get this taken care of, I can send the manuscript for publishing through Createspace. Hopefully, this task can be completed within the next three weeks.

What I’m writing.

Absolutely nothing! I need to be writing my next short stories.

I am getting back into my schedule of writing, I had taken a break and it’s hard getting back in the saddle. Between work, exercise, Rosetta Stone and all other minor things that come up, it’s hard to sit down and write. No more excuses, if I plan to get these stories completed, I must write even if it’s only fifteen minutes per day.

Will be updating you again soon, until then, keep smiling.

Oh! One more thing before I go.

2016-11-23-06-00-03No matter where you are, I pray that you have a safe and loving holiday. Safe travels to all,  arrive unharmed to your destination. Enjoy your time spent with family and friends. Love, peace, respect and happiness.



Before you go:

Books available for purchase.









Movies and TV Shows

October 02, 2016

Magnificent Seven!!!!

Good movie, Denzel did a great job as a cowboy. Chris Platte funny as usual, I like him. Ethan Hawke (Goodnight Robicheaux) love that name. I am sure we will hear that someone has named their child this name.download

Now, I need to go back and watch the original Magnificent Seven to refresh my memory. Go see it, won’t disappoint.

Other Television series that I enjoy on the regular to name a few: Ray Donovan, Shameless, Game Of Thrones, Greys Anatomy, How To Get Away With Murder, Scandal, Blacklist, Devious Maids, Pretty Little Liars, The Affair.

Those that are no longer showing that I loved to watch: Sons Of Anarchy, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire etc…