A Tribute to a Beloved Pomeranian

As most of you know, my daughter Nedra’s Pomeranian (her baby) of 12 1/2 years, and my grand-dog HoneyBun “HB” passed away on May 22, 2024, unexpectedly. I want to honor her memory with this newsletter. HB lived a full, healthy, happy, loved, and spoiled puppy life. She was a total diva. She was a brilliant puppy. She was finicky about the foods she ate. She loved yogurt, bananas, rice, treats, and ginger ale, to name a few. She always had her own bedroom decorated to her image, a closet of clothes, and several designer beds and chairs throughout the home. She hated getting groomed but looked so pretty afterward.

She experienced intense separation anxiety from her beloved pommy mom, with whom she was inseparable. Every time she anticipated a visit to grandma’s house, she would become uncontrollably restless as soon as the car entered the subdivision, whimpering and yelping with excitement. At Grandma mommaD’s home, she reveled in the freedom to frolic outdoors and, perhaps, indulge in extra treats, much to the chagrin of her pommy mother. HB demanded exclusive attention from select individuals, exhibiting a discerning puppy intuition. She was a lively and spirited pup, constantly in motion, engaging in playful antics and tussling with her toys and stuffed animals.

She always occupied a position where she could observe everyone and everything. HB had a unique way of expressing herself and making her desires known. I could talk endlessly about her personality and demeanor. When we took vacations, she was right there with us. She and I shared countless moments together. She was an integral part of our family, cherished and protected by all. Her departure to doggy heaven was truly unexpected and too premature. No more suffering, she has transitioned to a better place. Her absence will be deeply felt, and she will forever hold a special place in our hearts. Such precious memories. HB wasn’t my first grand-dog, but she was the first small diva grand puppy. My other granddogs were larger and provided home protection. There were Laila, Cocoa, Jacks, and Pig. May they all rest in peace. I think I forgot to mention one. There is still one grand-dog left at my son’s home, Bella.

I am no stranger to having pets. My children and I had a dog named La’Tre Devon Usand. I grew up with several dogs of my own – Bridget, Rex, Paco, Lady, and Short-round, but none affected me the way HB did. It’s something I cannot put into words. My heart is broken, she will be dearly missed. No more hearing the tap-taps of her paws moving from room to room when she visited. The sneeze she used to grab my attention when she wanted a treat, as annoying as it was. The way she flattened her back when she snuck under my bed. She will be deeply missed.


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